Anti-Clerical Soviet propaganda poster – hypocrite

 125,00 incl. VAT

Anti-Clerical Soviet propaganda poster made during the Khrushchev anti-religious campaign depicting a person enjoying all the benefits of the Soviet Society but he rejects the outdated remnants of the past (religion and church). The left yellow column depicts the secular lifestyle, whilst the blue column depicts the religious life. He arranges his marriage at a festive place, but goes to church to wed (1st row). He again goes to church after the birth of his baby to baptize the baby (2nd row). At Easter he buys a cake and lits it at the church (3rd row). The last row depcits the person with on the one hand a briefcase in the secular world, and on the side a candle lit in the clerical world. A.Vnukov poems complement the cartoon.

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так и живет ханжа иной всю жизнь меж небом и землей! So another hypocrite lives all his life between heaven and earth! Size: 66 x 48 cm.

Additional information


а. цветков: A. Flowers; а. внукова: A. Vnukova

Year of publication

