Woordenboek der zuivere en toegepaste scheikunde

 1.000,00 incl. VAT

viii,9899p. (sic!) and 69 fold. lith.gr. plts. with almost 1000 ills. 12 vols. 4to. original half calf. spine gilt. lettered and decorated. some slight browning, but a very attractive set of a work which is often in very bad condition. Two spines are detached. Scarce and important 19th. century chemistry encyclopedia. Not in Ferguson, Poggendorff, Zischka. Lacks unfortunately. some of the plates, as far as we can see, were never bound in (lacks plate 1- 17 and 43).

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J.P.C. van Tricht was a meritorious pharmacist at Arnhem. He translated a.o. the book by Wittstein and Otto in Dutch. In 1856 he started the “”Woordenboek “” together with J.J.Wolterson. In 1857 he published the second vol alone and in 1870 he complete this fine 12 volume work. (Stoeder p. 407 -8). This is the standard Dutch textbook for pharmacy and chemistry in the 19th. century. Scarce. It gives a detailed account of chemistry and pharmacy in the second half of the 19th. century.

Additional information


Tricht, J.P.C. apotheker and Dr. J.J. Woltersom.

Publisher location

Leiden/ Rotterdam


De Breuk & Smits/ Nijgh

Year of publication