Additional information
Author | Schwann, M. |
Publisher location | Bruxelles |
Year of publication | 1835 |
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(Offpr. Ac. Roy. de Brux.) 18p. b.w. Graux, Joly, a.o. Projet de loi destine a regulariser l’exercice de la medecine, chirurgie, et pharmacie, en belgique… Brux, 1840, 90p. b.w. Comet,C.J.B. Diachirsimos de medicamens simples…. A. Paris, 1836, 29p. b.w. Filhos, D. Tumeur fibreuse interstitielle de l’uterus… Paris, 1841, 31p. b.w. Deglimes,J.J. L’art poetique de Boileau. Brux, 1817, 75p. 4 vols. in 1. or. hfcl. marm. boards.
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Author | Schwann, M. |
Publisher location | Bruxelles |
Year of publication | 1835 |